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Edit 8-30: Yes guys, I know, don't look into the operational end of the device.

Chell from Portal 2. I want to draw a neat picture of GLaDOS too, but it's slow going since I'm not used to drawing robots.

Made in Illustrator CS5. I got the Aperture laboratories logo here: [link]

Chell and Portal 2 belong to Valve.

EDIT: Uploaded bigger version. Edit 2: Lessened the shadows on Chell, and I'm much happier with the result. :) EDIT 5/23: Properly lessened the opacity of the reflected blue light on Chell. I was wondering though, should it be orange..?

EDIT 6/21/2011: Changed the gun color to blue, added in the white of the gun that I forgot, neatened up a few things.
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1391x2256px 1.28 MB
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